Candia was originally from England but she lived and worked all places in between. She brought her international experience to her work and connected deeply with people from varied cultures and backgrounds.
Animal Lover
If dogs could speak, they would tell you that Candia was the best of all owners. She loved animals and most of all dogs.
Candia trained as a nurse and worked in the medical field before moving into counselling with Relationships Australia.
Some couples just have that magic something that binds them together in a true partnership of shared vision, care and life purpose.
Candia was a weaver of people. She could work with a room of individuals and by the end of the day they would have focussed on the threads that bound them rather than the forces that pulled them apart.
Candia and Greg supported many people and causes, quietly and without fanfare.
Candia had an intimate understanding of the challenges facing our planet, from biodiversity loss to climate change, pollution to population expansion.
Applications for the annual scholarship will open onWorld Environment Day, June 5 2016.